Washington County Inmate List
Current Inmates - Washington County Sheriff
Official records and official lists of inmates are kept by the Washington County Sheriff’s Office independently of this page. Any or all data that does not match the official record or official list of inmates should be considered inaccurate.
https://washingtoncountysheriff.org/wcso-current-inmates/Who is in Custody? - Washington County, Oregon
To search for a name, click the first letter of the last name below. You may also register for victim notification through VINE. Please note that the "security" amount is the amount of bail that must be paid. The Inmate Custody List works best with the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari.
https://www.co.washington.or.us/Sheriff/Jail/who-is-in-custody.cfmDetainee Roster (Detailed) | Washington County, AR
Sheriffs of Washington County + Sheriffs 1991 - Present; Sheriffs 1941 - 1990; Sheriffs 1908 - 1940; Sheriffs 1866 - 1908; Sheriffs 1828 - 1866; Wants/Warrants + Warrants Search; Sheriff's Most Wanted; Sheriff's Deadbeat Moms and Dads; Human Resources - Sheriff's Office + Job Descriptions;
https://www.washingtoncountyar.gov/government/departments-f-z/sheriff/detention-information/detainee-roster-detailedCurrent Inmate Roster | WCSO
Washington County Sheriff's Office Alpha-Roster 08/11/22 09:50 Current Inmate List, by Name Name # Name Location Time Incarcerated ----- ----- ----- ----- 490404 KITTREDGE, KYLE LAMAR J Block Main 20:58:56 07/05/22 753986 KOLENDAR, ROBERT WCCC One 10:55:43 05/20/22 684384 KUEPPER, MATHEW ALAN WCCC Two 10:35:05 02/14/20 669859 LACAYO-HERRERA, ALBERTO MAN C Block Main 12:18:34 06/25/22 738494 ...
https://news.washeriff.net/divisions/corrections-division/inmate-information/current-inmate-roster/Inmate Search - Washington County Sheriff's Office
The VINE toll-free number for the Oklahoma VINE system is 877-654-8463. This service is provided to assist Victims of Crime who have a right to know about their offender's custody status. Inmates are sorted by the date they were booked. If you are looking for a specific inmate, search their name. To see all inmates clear your search.
https://www.washingtoncosheriff.com/inmate-searchJail List – Washington County Sheriff
Washington County Sheriff > Jail List Jail List The most current list of jail inmates is updated frequently. Please check back for updates to the daily roster. Click Link to View Current Jail List: 08-09-2022 Visitation Guidelines
https://www.washcountysheriff.org/jail-list/Who is in Custody? - Washington County, Oregon
To search for a name, click the first letter of the last name below. You may also register for victim notification through VINE. Please note that the "security" amount is the amount of bail that must be paid. The Inmate Custody List works best with the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari.
https://www.co.washington.or.us/Sheriff/Jail/who-is-in-custody.cfm?alpha=HDetention Information | Washington County, AR
Sheriffs of Washington County + Sheriffs 1991 - Present; Sheriffs 1941 - 1990; Sheriffs 1908 - 1940; Sheriffs 1866 - 1908; Sheriffs 1828 - 1866; Wants/Warrants + Warrants Search; Sheriff's Most Wanted; Sheriff's Deadbeat Moms and Dads; Human Resources - Sheriff's Office + Job Descriptions;
https://www.washingtoncountyar.gov/government/departments-f-z/sheriff/detention-informationDetention Intake Report (last three days) | Washington County, AR
Sheriffs of Washington County + Sheriffs 1991 - Present; Sheriffs 1941 - 1990; Sheriffs 1908 - 1940; Sheriffs 1866 - 1908; Sheriffs 1828 - 1866; Wants/Warrants + Warrants Search; Sheriff's Most Wanted; Sheriff's Deadbeat Moms and Dads; Human Resources - Sheriff's Office + Job Descriptions;
https://www.washingtoncountyar.gov/government/departments-f-z/sheriff/detention-information/detention-intake-report-last-three-daysCounty Jail - Washington County, WI
The Washington County Jail and it's dedicated staff strive to provide a safe facility for the citizens of Washington County and the inmates housed within, by establishing effective methods to insure security, control, and order. The Jail visitation hours vary. Please see our visitation pages for Professionals and Family/Friends.
https://www.washcowisco.gov/departments/sheriff_office/county_jailWho is in Custody? - Washington County, Oregon
If you have questions about it, please call the Washington County Jail at 503-846-2600. E-Mail to: [email protected]. Overview. Who is in Custody? Overview. Electronic Home Detention. Released Inmate Victim Notification. I want to.